Nichole's Daily juggle has been just that...a juggle. The 3 main focuses of my blog are Kids, Coupons and the GYM. I seem to be doing well in 2 out of 3 categories. I've got the kids under control, the gym is still my home away from home but the coupons have really been slacking and I can feel it in my wallet.
In March of this year the coupon bargains seemed to come to a halt. When in reality they were just made a little harder to pull off, so instead of getting what is out there I completely stopped cutting coupons thus increasing my grocery budge from ~$50 per week to ~$150 per week. All was well and good until the gas prices started rising again. The rising gas prices have reignited my fire to save as much as possible!!
Let me show you the pile of coupons I need to cut/sort to get myself back in order.
So today I will cut and sort and next week I will start the following plan:
set aside 90 minutes each week to cut and organize coupons
read money saving websites to see what deals are out there
buy what's on sale
and when all else fails, don't shop, lol. Yeah that's not gonna happen!
Have a great day!!