Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Marcel's Allergist trip

So Today I worked from home because Marcel my youngest had an allergist appointment this afternoon. I was up and out of the house by 5:15am to drop him off at daycare. Then off to the gym for a quick workout. Unfortunately I only had 30 minutes so my work consisted of the following:

7 minutes on the treadmill (then I got bored) so I opted to finish the remaining 23 minutes on the elliptical.

I had a 10, 1 and 2 o'clock conference calls today. The 2PM call had to be taken in the car because I needed to head out for the big allergist appointment.

A quick stop was made at my moms to pick up Marcel (note the phone was muted so the meeting would not be disturbed). Then back into the car and off to the Dr's.

OK first let me vent about this office. Now this is and allergy/asthma dr's office. They have signs all over the waiting room stating "No Food", not even coffee. So I check in at the desk and go to sit down on the couch. Don't you know there was a lady there with her daughter (who was at least 4) with a sippy cup of milk on the table. So I said to Marcel loud enough for her to hear, "don't touch that I don't want you to get sick". So she moves holds the cup in her hand and there was a puddle of milk sitting on the table. Instead of cleaning it up she sits there. So into the office I go to get something to clean it....Crisis averted!!

After they call Marcel in we waited in the room for a few minutes. Marcel and I entertained ourselves by reading the 'Eye Spy' book. When the Dr came in we went over all of the basic questions and it was brought to my attention that a lot of his breathing issues right now are from the dust and dust mites. She gave us 2 prescriptions (Zyrtec and Singulair). Hopefully these will stop the need for the oral steroids.

Last but not least they wanted to perform the RAST testing. Sow down to the blood drawing room we go. When we first walked in there was a little girl about 6 years old screaming at the top of her lungs. I felt so bad for her. She was so scared. I was going to take Marcel out and wait there but him being so nosey we waited inside as he looked through the glass door. We talked about how brave he was going to be.

When it was his turn we walked in and he took off his sweater and said "She can use this arm first" and even rolled up his sleeve. He was looking a little unsure so the nurse showed him the "butterfly needle" and described to him that it has wings on the side just like a butterfly.

The nurse wiped his arm clean and detailed every step so he would know what was going on. Now it was time for the needle. She asked Marcel which arm he wanted me to hold. So I held the arm that was getting the needle. In goes the needle and not a peep from him. He just sat there like a trooper. I thought for sure the girl screaming as going to scare him but he hung in there.

Oh I also met another lady who's daughter has food allergies like Marcel. The girl is 15 and starting to date. The poor thing had her boyfriend kiss her on the cheek and she broke out in hives.

Have a great night!!


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